Thursday, January 09, 2014

Speaking Engagements First Quarter 2014

I'll be speaking at several events this quarter

1) EITA Global Webinar:  Key Steps in Starting Your First Predictive Analytics Project
Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 1:00 PM EST

This 90 minute webinar will walk through a predictive analytics project from start to finish using the CRISP-DM process model, including

  • Data Needed for Predictive Modeling
  • Data Preparation
  • Top Modeling Algorithms: Decision Tree, Neural Networks, Regression, Clustereing
  • How to Assess Models
  • Model Deployment

Webinar cost: for viewing the webinar live, the cost is $239. There are volume discounts available.

2) Quebit Webinar: IBM SPSS Modeler Seminar Series: Techniques for Unbalanced Data
Dates Offered: January 22, 1-4 PM EST (lecture)
January 23, 1-2 PM EST (Q&A)

This webinar is divided into two days. On the first day, Keith McCormick and I will be discussing different strategies for handling unbalanced data. On the second day will cover questions from Day 1.

We will be using examples used in our recent book, The IBM SPSS Modeler Cookbook.

Use the code SPSSMODDA100 to get a $100 discount off of the webinar. It will also get you $300 off the annual subscription (which I strongly recommend--Keith and the Quebit team are the best Modeler trainers in the business).

3) UC / Irvine Predictive Analytics Certificate Program:  Algorithms, Modeling Methods, Verification & Validation
January 27, 2014 to March 16, 2014 (7 weeks, online)

Learn how to use the basics of predictive analytics and modeling data to determine which algorithms to use. Understand the similarities and differences and which options affect the models most. Discover how to verify and validate your model. Topics covered include predictive analytics algorithms for supervised learning, including decision trees, linear and logistic regression, neural networks, k-nearest neighbor, support vector machines, and model ensembles. Gain a deeper understanding of how algorithms work qualitatively by reviewing best practices and the influence of various options on predictive models.

Cost: $695

This is the algorithms course, part of the UC Irvine Predictive Analytics Certificate program. There are prerequisites for the course, but if you don't have them yet, take them and take the algorithms course in a future quarter.

4) 7th KNIME User Group Meeting (UGM) and Workshops
Feb 12-14, Zurich, Switzerland

Wed Feb 12: Real-Time Customer Intelligence, Dean Abbott (Abbott Analytics, Inc.)
Friday, Feb 14: Strategies for Building Predictive Models in KNIME, Dean Abbott (Abbott Analytics)

KNIME User Group Meeting and Free Workshops, February 12-14, have a fee of 200 €

5) The first San Diego KNIME Meetup

Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM (free)
Location: DART Neuroscience, 12278 Scripps Summit Drive, San Diego, CA

6) Predictive Analytics World, San Francisco

Talk, March 18: Data Preparation from the Trenches: 4 Approaches to Deriving Attributes
My talk at PAW/SF this year is on data preparation, focusing on strategies for building derived attributes manually and automatically.

Workshop, March 19: Supercharging Prediction: Hands-On with Ensemble Models
This workshop discusses how to build model ensembles using a state-of-the-art software package. You will have a license for the software for use in the workshop and for a period of time subsequent to the workshop.

This workshop discusses the predictive analytics modeling process using a state-of-the-art software package. We will go from beginning to end (Business Understanding through Deployment) for one use case. You will have a license for the software for use in the workshop and for a period of time subsequent to the workshop.

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